E Science 2017

Long Answer Type Questions

1. De¡ne growth rate and explain growth without regulation and growth with simple regulation in detail.

2. What is the Malthusian theory of population growth and what are its limitations?
3. What is a signi¡cance of rapid appraisal process and explain the various objectives of this process.
4. What do we mean by ecosystem stability and discuss the role played by system resilence in maintains
ecosystem stability.
5. Write a note on potentials and limitations of the bio-technology
6. Renewable source of energy is being substituted for non-renewable source of energy. Why? Discuss in detail.
7. How is development leading to pollution problems and what should we do to avoid it? Discuss.
8. What are the major methods of controlling air pollution? Discuss any two methods in detail.
(5 marks each)
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Discuss Hydrological cycle in the environment.
2. Discuss brie¢y the fundamental duties under the Indian Constitution.
3. Discuss the basic objective of GATT.
4. What do we mean by Low-tech and Hi-tech technology? Explain and differentiate.
5. Explain the various elements of social impact assessment.
6. What are the con¢icts surrounding forest areas?
7. Why is their urgency to control air pollution? Explain.
8. What are the interrelated effects between economic growth and the environment? Explain.
(3 marks each)
Very Short Answer Type Questions
1. What are the main differences in polar orbiting and geostationary satellites?
2. What do CFC molecules dissociate?
3. What is genetic erosion?
4. Which models describe cause effect relationship as mathematical function?
5. What are the characteristics of ECOSAN latrines?
6. What can result in Blue-baby syndrome?
7. What are major achievements the Earth Summit 1991?
8. What does IPR stand for?

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