Business Studies 12th

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Q1.Differentiate between functional structure and divisional structure.
Why is delegation considered essential for effective organizing?
Q2.Brie¢y explain the various steps involved in sta£ng process.
What is meant by recruitment? Explain external source of recruitment.
Q3.What is Motivation? Explain Maslow’s need hierarchy theory.
“Supervision is an important element of directing function.” Given reasons in support of this statement.
Q4.What is Financial Planning? Give its importance.
Difference between Capital market and Money market.
Q5.What is Sales Promotion? Give its merits and demerits.
Explain the factors that are considered while ¡xing the price of a product.
(Short Answers Type Questions)
Q6.Enumerate the features of co-ordination.
Q7.De¡ne scienti¡c management. State any three of its principles.
Q8.Explain the role of political environment in shaping any business.
Q9.What are the limitations of Planning?
Q10. What is meant by Leadership? Enumerate any three qualities of a good leader.
Q11. How is planning related to controlling?
Q12. Differentiate between Fixed Capital and Working Capital.
Q13. Give any four functions of stock exchange.
Q14. Explain the characteristics of personal selling.
Q15. Explain the role of consumer organizations and NGOs, in protecting and promotion consumer’s interests.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Q16. Answer in a few sentence:
Q17. Write a brief note on management as a Profession.
Q18. Give any one main difference between Fayol’s and Taylor’s contribution.
Q19. De¡ne Planning.
Q20. What is the concept of delegation?
Q21. Brie¢y describe the features of Informal Organisation.
Q22. What are the methods of training?
Q23. Write a brief note on budgetary control.
Q24. What are the objectives of business ¡nance?
Q25. Name the institutions which have promoted OTCEI.
Q26. What are the elements of marketing mix?
(Objective Type Questions)
Q27. Middle management includes:
Q28. Board of directors
Q29. Chairman
Q30. Departmental managers
Q31. None of these
Q32. Principles of management are:
(a) Relative
(b) Absolute
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
Q33. A plan expressed in qualitative term is called a/an :
(a) Procedure
(b) Policy
(c) Objective
(d) Budget
Q34. The Consumer Protection Act was passed on:
(a) 1986
(b) 1886
(c) 1968
(d) 1990
Q35. Full form of FIPB is ………………

Q36. Zero Coupon Bonds are issued by ……………….
Q37. Equity share is the instrument of capital market. (True/False)
Q38. Lucky draw is a technique of sales promotion. (True/False)
Q39. Advertising encourage sale of inferior products. (Yes/No)
Q40. Central government appoints members of National Commission. (Yes/No)

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