Entrepreneurship 12th

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Q1.What is meant by Entrepreneurial Opportunity? Explain various steps involved in the process of opportunity
Explain the steps involved in the selection of an enterprise.
Q2.De¡ne business planning. Explain the procedure of preparation of a project report.
What do you mean by Financial Resource Assessment? Explain its non-¡nancial aspect also.
Q3.Explain various facilities and technology for setting an enterprise.
How the production of goods and services is carried out by an entrepreneur?
Q4.Explain brie¢y the basic management functions.
What is Marketing Mix? Explain various elements of marketing mix.
Q5.Explain brie¢y various source of long-term business ¡nance.
What is meant by Business Growth? Explain various causes of growth of an enterprise.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Q6.What do you understand by Environment Scanning?
Q7.Write a short note on market assessment.
Q8.Explain the commercial information needed to set up an enterprise.
Q9.Explain the ¡xed capital requirements of an entrepreneur.
Q10. What do you mean by Break-Even Analysis?
Q11. What do you mean by Quality and Quantity of Product?
Q12. Explain any three functions of marketing.
Q13. Distinguish between expansion and diversi¡cation.
Q14. De¡ne Ecology. Give the cause of ecological imbalance.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Q15. De¡ne Entrepreneurship
Q16. De¡ne market research.
Q17. Name the various steps undertaken while setting up an enterprise.
Q18. What is meant by Financial Resources Assessment?
Q19. What do you mean by Return on Investment (ROI)?
Q20. Give earning theory for estimation of ¡nancial requirement of a concern.
Q21. What is Supervision?
Q22. De¡ne marketing management.
Q23. What do you understand by Substitution?
(Objective Type Questions)
(i) TO become an entrepreneur one must have:
(a) Money
(b) Long Experience
(c) High Education
(d) Initiative to do something
(ii) Factors affecting Entrepreneurship are:
(a) Political surges
(b) Government policies
(c) Regional condition
(d) All of the above
(iii) Finance resources management is concerned with
(a) Estimate ¡nancial requirements
(b) Raising funds
(c) Controlling utilization of funds
(d) All of the above
(iv) Every increase in current liabilities will increase the:
(a) Optimum capital
(b) Networking capital
(c) Fixed capital
(d) Gross working capital
(v) Production is a process by which goods and services are created. (True/False)
(vi) Stock is process is not a constituent of working capital. (True/False)
(vii) Short-term ¡nance is taken for a period of less then one year. (True/False)
(viii) The process of putting the goods in suitable containers is called as ………….
(ix) A deep and detailed study of different aspect of marketing is called …………
(x) The process of assignment a speci¡c branch name to a product is known as …………

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