Physics 12th Set A

Set A
(Long Answer Type Questions)
1. Describe brie¢y the principle, construction and working of van-de-Graff Generator.
De¡ne Electrical Potential. Find expression for electrical potential at any point due to electric dipole.
2. Describe the principle, construction and working of moving coil galvanometer.
State Amperes circuit law. Derive an expression for the magnetic ¡eld due to current carrying solenoid.
3. LCR are in series with AC source. Calculate the power of such a circuit. Also state expression for resonant
State Lenz’s law. Show that it is in accordance with law of conservation of energy.
4. State Huygens principle and derive laws of refraction on its basis.
Derive lens formula for convex lens.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
5. State Kirchhoff’s lens for electrical network.
6. Find the current ¢owing through a resistance R, of the circuit shown in the ¡g. If the resistance R1 = 10 Ω
R2 = 20 Ω R3 = 30 Ω and potential of points 1, 2, 3 are 10 V, 6 V,
7. 5 V respectively.
8. What do you mean by dispersion of light?
9. Give three basic differences between interference and diffraction.
10. Calculate the energy associated in joules with a photon of wave length of 4000 A.
11. Give the logic symbole truth table Bootean expression of OR Gate circuit diagram
12. Distinguish with insulator, conductors and semiconductors in terms of energy band diagram.
13. Explain brie¢y, why modulation is needed at all?
12th Class Private Pysics Paper Set-A 2017 Jkbose PDF
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
14. The following very short answer typr questions may be answered in few words or sentences as may be
15. How many joules in 1 MeV?
16. How can a galvanometer be converted into voltmeter?
17. State Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction.
18. Write down two properties of electromagnetic waves.
19. Telescope lens has usually large aperture why?
20. Explain mass defect.
21. Derive photoelectric equation.
22. De¡ne photoelectric work function.
(Objective Type Questions)

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