PHE 12th

Physical Education
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Q1.What do you mean by Endurance? How can you prove it to be an ability to resist against fatigue?
Describe interval training in detail. Give its merits and demerits.
Q2.Explain how can social quantities be developed through medium of physical education and sports.
Write the signi¡cance of Sociology in the ¡eld of Physical Education.
Q3.What is positive environment? Elaborate any three important elements of it.
Enumerate the role of an individual for improvement of positive environment.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Q4.Write down the factors affecting physical ¡tness.
Q5.Mention various methods of endurance training with a brief explanation.
Q6.Give important qualities of a good captain.
Q7.What is the need and importance of moral education in present era?
Q8.Explain brie¢y some essential elements of sports environment.
Q9.Give a brief account of yoga.
Q10. Brie¢y explain dehydration, heat stroke and excise induced asthma.
Q11. Elaborate any two components of Physical ¡tness known to you.
Q12. What do you understand by Leadership? Give its type.
Q13. Write a brief account on morality.
Q14. How safe water is bene¡cial for improvement of positive environment?
Q15. What do you mean by Niyam and Yama?
Q16. Brie¢y explain two techniques for putting shot
Q17. Draw and label throwing sector of shot put.
(Objective Type Questions)
Q18. An ……….. is one who takes part in track and ¡eld events.
Q19. Basket ball was originated in United States of America in ……………
Q20. …………. Scoring a point after a deuce is said to have gained an advantage.
Q21. Choose the most appropriate answer of the following:
Q22. Who de¡ne sports training as the basic form of preparation of a sportsman?
Q23. Which of the following is endurance development training method?
Q24. Speed of movement is known as Locomotor ability. (True/False)
Q25. What can be the maximum length of a cricket bat?
Q26. Answer the following questions in a few words or sentences or as may be required:
Q27. De¡ne the term RICE
Q28. What is Contusion?
Q29. De¡ne Fatigue.

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